Wednesday, August 18, 2010

#1 How a dog and a sandwich broke my iphone

A few days ago I was walking across campus holding Jaxon and eating a sandwich. It was a hot day and I decided to go for a walk through the fountain at TU (it is almost like a shallow pool). As I was about to step in a dog came up and took a bit of my sandwich. I was baffled by what happened, and even more baffled that the owner didn't want me to give the dog the rest of my sandwich (I certainly wasn't going to eat it). The whole event caused me to feel disheveled and as I went to put my phone in my pocket I missed my pocket all together and my phone flew into the fountain. I picked up my phone and had o walk the rest of the way across campus with my dog eaten sandwich and a wet phone. needless to say I don't think my phone will ever be the same again, and never again will I casually stroll along eating a sandwich without expecting a dog to take a bit out of it!

1,000 things

This blog is inspired by a letter I wrote at least 12 years ago to a good friend. This letter include 100 things he should never forget. He called me recently and read me parts of the letter, we laughed, reminisced about those times, and now I haven't forgotten those 100 things either. The whole experience just kinda got me thinking about all of the things I don't want to forget. This blog is dedicated to 1,000 memories. Some old, some new, I'll just blog whenever I think of one, and hey if I hit 1,000 maybe this will become the 10,000 things blog.