Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Coffee Incident, repost from my old Myspace Blog

Some unfortunate events happen just by accident, and some are at the fault of others. This serious of unfortunate events however is due to the actions of one Tulsa coffee shop owner. As many of you know I have acquired a pretty serious addiction to doubleshot coffee. I am pretty sure I can also blame this on Brian.

When planning my vacation I knew that I would not be able to make it over a week without some tasty doubleshot coffee, so my plan was to buy some beans on Friday before I left so I would have delicious Doubleshot coffee all week. The problem with this plan is that on Friday afternoon when I wanted to buy the aforementioned coffee his shop was SHUT. Not a big deal on a normal Friday, but this particular Friday the shop being shut would affect my whole vacation. I realized that maybe I would be able to survive on some other coffee, and finally I decided that some Seattle's Best Sumatra organic coffee would be okay and bought some when I got to Florida.

Everything seemed to be fine and the first pot turned out good, but it was today after church that the true consequences of not having doubleshot reared their ugly head. I put the imitation good coffee in the grinder and then into the cofee pot, turned on the water, and walked into the other room. A few moments later I heard my dad yell "oh shit" I went into the kitchen and disaster lay everywhere you look. Dad said the coffee was running all over the counter so he pulled out the filter and it exploded! My dad burned his hand from the hot coffee, and there were grounds and coffee everywhere! There was coffee on the fridge, in the cabinets, all over the floor, the counters, and covering the rug by the sink. Good news is my dad was fine, but he had to keep an ice pack on for several hours. The rest of my family however spent the next 45 minutes cleaning the kitchen from the coffee explosion. I stand by the statement that this never would have happened with doubleshot coffee. I am afraid to find out what will happen when I try to make another pot!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Corn on the cob.... or... So I am a corn dealer..

This happened about 3 years ago, but it simply unforgettable...
So for anyone who really knows me you know that my car is always a mess! well... then it shouldn't surprise you that a one day I started smelling a bad smell. It would always go away when I turned on the air so I didn't worry about it too much, but then one day I got into my car and nearly puked. I started looking around in my backseat and I found a few suspects... a nachos lunchable form February, and some apricots from who know when, possibly November. Neither of these was the culprit though, because the smell started getting worse and worse. About a week later it was especially bad. So finally I was determined to get rid of the smell and I went to my trunk to investigate. As soon as I opened it (I didn't use the trunk of that cart much btw) I could smell the smell and almost died. I started moving things around and lo and behold I found it. In December (This was May) I spilled some popcorn kernels in my trunk, and my trunk often leaked. Not something one would give a lot of thought to, but consequently I had corn GROWING in my trunk. And by growing I mean it was approximately 16" high. It was yellow of course because it wasn't getting any sunlight, but it had rooted in my trunk liner and was growing around the items in my trunk. It was disgusting yes, but definitely something I will never forget!